Another Blog Update...with even more Fate!

October 5, 2008 I wrote the post: ANOTHER BIT OF FATE! :-) . That post told of a series of events that lead me to the website of a Stanford lecture that let me hear Tom Kelley of IDEO lecture, and let me meet with him at the end. Well, I had read about Stanford's (design school) online, and I was interested to explore it. It seemed like a university version of IDEO, because it was founded by David Kelley (Founder of IDEO) himself.

I've been checking out the online periodically, and since I was already planning on checking out the startup job fair on campus on Tuesday I figured it would also be a good opportunity to finally step foot in the I walked in and asked the receptionist if it was fine to walk around and check it out, and referenced David Kelley and IDEO, and she nonchalantly also mentioned that he happened to be sitting right behind me.

I took the opportunity to talk with him and told him of my IDEO inspired journey out to California, it was pretty cool. So, even if your dreams don't come to you right away, if you get close enough to the positive energy, and take advantage of the opportunities presented, it will happen.


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