Life thoughts by Sharon

Unsolicited thoughts by me.  Take them or leave them, the choice is yours.

Life is interesting.

I’ve analyzed the shit out of my life, and the world.

This is what I’ve come up with:

Number one thing I would tell somebody is to gain your own perspective.

Or find someone you truly admire and adopt their perspective- you can make your own edits along the way.

Gain your perspective by talking to people, Researching, and Experiencing.

Make decisions that you can change.

Be thoughtful in making the decisions that you can’t change.

Invest in yourself.

Continue to learn, do, and improve.

Always keep your health in focus, you only have one body that serves as the vessel for what you are able to do in your lifetime.

Back pain is the quickest way to depression, it is the connector for your entire body.  Your brain is the powerhouse.  Keep your back and mind healthy.

Learn the tools that make you more effective, Mind to Design.

Find the environments that help you be more productive, and help you to be happy.

Happiness is a choice.  People sometimes mistake happiness for being dumb- those people are often ignorant of their ignorance.  Those people are also often too concerned with others in a non productive way.  If you understand all the reasons why you should be unhappy with something, then figure out how to become happier.  It’s the next step.

Find your voice and your confidence.

Understand your Motivations,

What gives you pleasure,

What makes you angry,

What makes you cry,

What puts you in a flow state,

What makes you feel content?

Figure out your Strengths,

Your Blind Spots.

Help people realize and overcome their blindspots.

What may be very easy for you, may be almost impossible for another, and vice versa.

Help each other.  Collaboration can make a system more efficient.

It can also be much worse with the wrong partners.

What do you want your legacy to be?

What small changes can you make that will have the biggest impact on your life?

Just because something is easy to get or do now, it doesn’t mean that will always be the case.

We tend to overestimate and underestimate ourselves.

It's easy to misjudge others in assuming how others will act and react, we assume people are more similar to us.

Keep track of your journey, meaning our past, our present, and keeping future goals in our foresights.

But remember, tracking and making use of the data is more difficult than it seems.

Everything is dynamic, the instant you figure something out, the problem changes.

Everything is connected.

There are two realities that interplay in this universe.

There isn't one definition of success.

There is always more you can add, but will adding more be worth it?

Understand what you can take away.

You need to define what success means to you.

That is the only way to get set as close to happiness as possible.

If you don't like your situation, work on changing it.

Sometimes that means moving, because sometimes you can't change the situation.

Sometimes that means changing expectations, or perspective.

When you travel, it's like going through different answers to the same problem.  It's like going through different time periods, seeing how people have solved the question called life.

But remember nothing is ever solved completely.  Everything is always changing.  

It is all dynamic, and you can be part of the dynamics of how things shift through time.

It's too often that people become so involved in the day-to-day that they miss the bigger picture.

Engineering is how we live, art is why we live.

Your brain has times where it works better than other times.  When it is fully awake, ride the wave.

It's also too often that people stress out about the bigger picture so much that they miss the joys in the day to day.

Money is completely fictional and not tied to value.  

But this fictional concept has become central to many people’s lives and cultures.

Life is about finding a balance- seeing the bigger picture but still finding the joys in the moment

If everyone found a way to work together, everyone would be better for it.

But- there will always be the people who will take advantage of systems where everyone starts to trust one one another, using it for their own personal gain.

This causes systems where everyone trusts one another to quickly collapse. 

It causes the cycle of building, securing, building, securing, being destroyed, collapsing, and potentially rebuilding.

It's a natural cycle that is also known as entropy.  Chaos will always have the upper hand; Education, hard work, persistence, creativity, and empathy are the qualities needed to combat entropy.

It's never too late to begin to learn new things, and change your mindset.  But as soon as you realise you want to learn something new, you should start now.  Overcoming the starting process takes a greater activation energy, like static friction.

Finding good people is more difficult than finding gold.  When you find good people, keep them in your lives.  Learning how to sort effectively is one of the greatest and most useful skills.

Words are important.  Intention is more important than words.  What the actual actions are, supersede both words and intentions.

You only have a certain amount of time and energy in this world.  Some things you do will add to your energy, some things you do and that will happen to you, will drain your energy.  

Constantly evaluate how you spend your energy and how you spend your time.

Fictional movies often have more truth than non-fiction movies.

Time is the most precious thing we have, it is in theory free, but it is also the most limited resource we possess.

To me, life is about finding the best way to waste time.

But it's not being wasted, if you find value in it.

Find out what you value, and it's the best way to spend your time.

And once you find out what you value, be in that world, truly be in that world... your world.


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