Three Tips to Leading the Atypical Life

There are many opportunities to select a life path that are prone to living on the schedules of everyone else's but our own.  While there are certainly times where this is needed, there are also times where this can be a hinder.

Ask Why- What is your driving motivation for what you do?  Does your job/career, location, activities, relationships facilitate what you value?

Live a live of thoughtfulness with Improv- While we may often jump at chances when we see them, it could better our circumstances to first figure out where we are in our lives and how these pieces may play in them.  We cannot predict the timing of the world, but there are more than just a few ways to do any one thing.  While doing things the 'normal' path may be at times the easier path because it is more clearly lined out and understood it may not be the ideal circumstance for you.  What would it look like to instead look from your perspective and see how the opportunities fit into the puzzle of what is right for you.  Be ready to constantly adjust to do what feel rights but trust your gut and stay true to what you value.

Keep Progressing- While brainstorming, ideation is great and the time up front can prevent reckless decisions that cost time, money and or motivation, it is important to remember one thing.  Keep progressing and continuously improving yourself.  Keep talking with people, keep track of your progress, keep going.  Action in better than inaction and if you find yourself getting lost in the possibilities rather than being able to converge on a solution ask friends or create a metric for yourself to follow that will lead to better decision making.  But remember, it's important to make a decision and keep moving forward.


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