Life Hacks

According to Wikipedia: Hacking refers to the re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer.

It used to be the hacking had quite a negative connotation, like a hacker trying to get to your personal information.  Now there are many kinds of hacking which can actually lead to a better life.

Sugru is a silicon material that sticks to other materials and cures at room temperature, letting you transform items to products that suit your personal needs better.

Microsoft's Kinect for the Xbox is a new gaming device that allows the user to control the system with body motion.  Within the first couple days that it was available for customers, the online community hacked the system to allow a multitude of interesting new uses, including digital puppets, controlling a Roomba vaccuum with hand motions, and displaying a normal video in 3D space.  Check out one of the hack a guy did for the Wii, which changes any normal television into a 3D experience, Mr. Lee was then hired by Microsoft to develop the Kinect.

Here is my very own hack on a tennis ball to create a fun new way to save money.  Once I posted it to the community someone already had new ideas to turn it into a way to store dog treats to keep her pocket free of crumbs. 

Or, check out how to can turn Google translator into a beat box, just press listen.

Combine people's creativity and resourcefulness with social community and we are iterating faster than ever on our every day world.  With easy to access hacker tools like Sugru and OpenFrameworks, the creation of new products is now in our hands.


MySugrueHacks said…
If You would like to see what people are doing with Sugru go to

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