Ebay: A seller's nightmare

I listed a high dollar item, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200413814900 on Ebay. It is a very nice, high definition video camera valued at around $1800. I put it up for aution with a buy it now option. The item sold to the user:

barbara williams
5749 Twelvemonth Ct
Columbia, MD 21045

The username was suspicious and had zero feedback, so I looked up the address. The address is a foreclosed house. I called the phone number. The phone number was disconnected. The user never paid, and soon after unregistered. So, I relisted the item.

The item was bought again. This time to:
Barbara williams
3340 Brouse Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46218

If you notice, similar username, same name, but this time they are Indiana. Called the phone number, disconnected again. I contacted Ebay, they told me I should go through with the sale, even though I knew it was a fraud. Surprise, surprise, no payment, and soon after they became unregistered. I relisted.

It was bought again. This time to:
Donald Jones
2054 Wilson Avenue
Dallas, TX 75240

I received an email from this seller after they bought it.
"Enter your question hereDear Seller,i want you to reply me about the condition of this item before you send me an invoice because i want to be sure of want am buying and i want you to get back to me with your PayPal account as soon as possible for payment to be made.

The English words of a scammer. Once again, zero feedback, disconnected phone number, no payment. I contacted customer service, and told them scammers kept buying my item. They told me that even though it seemed like a scam that I should send invoice and wait for payment. Invoice sent, and no payment. So, I had to wait 4 days to file a report, and had to wait indefinately for Ebay to credit my account. Eventually other people also complained about him, and he was unregistered. Ironically though, since Ebay no longer lets sellers give negative feedback to buyers, he had 2 "positive" feedback marks, each written with negative comments.

So, I relisted the item. This time it was bought by:

Gloria Clark
629 Tiffin Ave
Findlay, OH 45840

Another scammer. I told Ebay. Once again they did NOTHING. I received an invoice for $45 from Ebay. Eventually they credited back $40. They want me to pay $5 in listing fees, although it was because of their unverified buyers that I had to list the same item over and over again. I contacted them through chat trying to get reimbursed, and the customer service rep, "Kevin" was unhelpful, and CLOSED the chat on me! It automatically erased our conversation, and quickly switched to the message, "Thank you for chatting. You can now close this window." I called them, and they were entirely unhelpful on the phone, and refused to credit back my account.

If they would verify users by simply calling the phone number, none of this would happen. But unfortunately Ebay has gone down hill in both their verification of users and their customer service. I'll be closing my account. Thanks Ebay for wasted time, effort and money. And thanks most of all for being rude about the incompetencies of your website.


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