The Maker's Checklist

This is from an informative handout I received from Maker Faire 2013. The Maker's Checklist K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Silly). The ideal design has zero parts. Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion (Parkinson's Law). Don't give yourself too much time for a project or it will never get done. Past experience is good for a reality check. But too much reality can doom an otherwise worthwhile project. Look at houw everyone else is tacking a problem-- what assumptions are so implicit that they're no longer being questions. Question them. Don't listen when people tell you that you can't. Ignore your critics. Document everything (writing, pics, video), especially on collaborative projects. The group will forget who did what and it will make going back and chancing things that much harder. Also, good docs will make it that much easier to port into you may pick two of the following three...