How to be the Best True You
Be Beautiful - Beauty is not something surface deep. Beauty is the inner spirit that gets reflected outward. Ever notice those days where you may have changed nothing about yourself but somehow everyone is giving you compliments on what you are wearing, your hair, or smile? These are the days when you emit happiness and people gravitate towards your positive spirit. Be Happy - Happiness is not determined by what you have or don't have. Happiness is a personal choice. You can choose to be happy at any given moment. It takes a simple shift of thinking. Instead of thinking what you don't have, think of what you do. Why should you smile today? Because it is better than not smiling. Lift your energy see the people you surround's energy also increase. Under the right circumstances you'll see a multiplier effect. Be Energy Conscious - There is only so much energy in the world. As so, there is only so much energy in...