How to Lead a Good Life: Lessons from the Greeks
This is a summary of the lessons from Stanford professor Marsh Mccall's lecture. He will be giving it open to the public Wednesday, March 2 2010 at 7:30pm in the Cubberley Auditorium in the School of Education on Stanford's campus. I was able to find it online on iTunes U. The goal of the lecture is to take you through different schools of thoughts thus add to your life perspective. Socrates: 1) The unexamined life is not worth living 2) Wisdom begins with knowing what you don't know 'When I talk to someone who professes to be an expert, they are ignorant, because they don't know what they think they know. What makes me superior is that I know that I don't know' - Socrates (loose interpreted) 3) Virtue can be taught, education is virtue. (Virtue means excellence or arete ) No one does wrong or evil willingly (doing so only means ignorance) Because, to do wrong, to do evil, harms someone else, which harms you , and who would do evil onto one...