and the Perfect Pitch

I received an email from Entrepreneur magazine one Wednesday morning that told me I had "One Week to Submit Your Pitch to Richard Branson". Obviously their marketing department had done a good job because I became intrigued, thoroughly read the email and proceeded to sign up for It was then that I decided that I was going to do it. Even though there was a $60 fee for submitting a pitch, I felt that it was worth the monetary risk because the potential of great success was there. There were just some hurdles involved because I had already committed to a 3 day labor day getaway to Lake Tahoe, and I was just getting the symptoms of cold and allergies. The video pitch was due on the Tuesday after labor day. We came home from our travels mid day on Monday so I could start working on my speech. On Tuesday I treated my raspy voice by drinking straight up coconut milk, not the most appetizing, but it did help to make my cold stricken hoarse voice sound bett...